The 5th Annual Safety Standdown Day is Coming This Fall!
The Southern California Aviation Association is pleased to announce its fifth Annual Safety Standdown Day on September 16, 2013. This one day event will deliver valuable information beneficial to all facets of your flight organization.
Date: September 16, 2013
Location: Carlsbad Sheraton Resort
Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Breakfast and Lunch included
Reception will follow: 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Room Rates @ Sheraton 20% off- use SET/Corp account code 363086
Key Note Speaker:
Honorable Robert Sumwalt, National Transportation Safety Board
Topic: Normalization of Deviance
Other Speakers:
Doug Carr, VP Safety, Security & Regulations, NBAA
Stacy Howard, Regional Representation, NBAA
Shannon Forrest, Flight Safety International
Karl Schlimm, Why UPRT (Upset Recovery Training)
$95.00 Member
$145.00 Non-member (includes SCAA annual "individual" membership dues or $50 toward a corporate membership)
Title Sponsor:
