Mt. SAC Scholarship Recipients 2018

Zach Alcantar CAE CJ Type Training Winner
Oct 2016 Upate

I am thrilled to let you know I just got back from Morristown, NJ with a freshly minted CE525 type rating!
I had an amazing time out there, the instructors, facility, classmates, and solid program CAE has all went hand in hand to be the best flight training experience I've ever had.
While it was a ton of information to manage and hard work, it was truly my element and I had fun every step of the way.
I am scheduled for a 135 check and some additional training starting the 20th for Latitude 33 aviation, where I will transition from flying for Surf Air to hopefully in the next couple months a full time charter pilot with L33 flying CJ's!
This has been life-changing for both me and my wife who we just found out is going to have our first baby! What good timing for me to get my career on track.
Thank you for everything and making such a tremendous impact on my family's lives.
American Legion Post 281
January 2017
I wanted to again express our appreciation for your generous donation to American Legion Post 281. I have enclosed a letter expressing our gratitude. I have also included a photo of the ceremony we held at the Brain Treatment Center in Newport Beach. Dr. Eric Won (on the left in the photo) of the Brain Treatment Center accepted our donation. The gentleman on the right is our 1st Vice Commander Jon Warren. Jon is also a testimonial to the success the Brain Treatment Center can have on the lives of our veterans!
Your generous donation made our contribution possible.
Thank you again
John Pointer
American Legion Post 281
Phil Kost- 2014 CAE CJ Type Rating Winner
April 2015
After a fortunate situation of always being too busy to get to school, my schedule and CAE's schedule meshed. I finally did my type rating in March/April 2015. And it has been non-stop ever since.
I did the training under Schubach Aviation's training program and have been flying as a dedicated contractor in their CJ1 and CJ3. It has been a great transition from the King Air and Eclipse to the CJ. I am enjoying the new opportunities the CJ is bringing my way. It is a wonderful plane to fly daily. I am being mentored by the companies PIC's in the aircraft and preparing for a line check ride to take place soon.
I owe SCAA and CAE a huge thanks for the type rating award! It has been a tremendous accelerant to my career.
Thank you so much SCAA for the award and I am excited to be a newly minted CJ pilot!
I look forward to joining SCAA this year at the annual golf tournament.
Ryan Gabler
Zackary Smith CAE CJ Award Winner
Gavin Woodman ProFlight CJ Type Rating Award Winner